Welcome to My World
I started a blog to see if I could as I am slightly OLDER than the current generation who live their lives on social media. I have conversation's with people all the time and almost always use the words ME TOO! So what does that mean? Does that mean we all encounter the same obstacles, joys, lows, brain fog, etc, etc. To help my brain out I decided to write down thoughts, experiences and mishaps as they pop into my mind. Maybe you might also be saying ME TOO!
INSIGHT- Where the (alrightyvents) came from:
I am determined I am going to change the narrative that is my mixed up, scrambled, menopausal brain. I have neurons firing in all directions but no voice to shout them out loud. ALRIGHTY is a code word my close friend and I use to describe how we were feeling without the rest of the world knowing. Guys you know that feeling when you plaster on a smile, get on with life and ignore the chaos that is really going on. That one word bonds us together in a shared understanding of each other. It allows us to scream from the rooftops and feel heard in that millisecond. There is a hug attached and a feeling of letting go. It validates how you are feeling and that you have a friendly ear. It stands for my life is upside down, I'm having a shit day, need to talk later. You know the cup of coffee is imminent and that you will get a chance to VENT without judgement before the knapsack on your back explodes.
That one word tells the story that is hidden behind the smile and platitudes, and the bullshit we are all surrounded by. I hope everyone finds their alrighty friend and gets to spill the beans in one word!
Ways to help with Anxiety
It has taken me 50 years to figure out how to deal with anxiety. I have teenage kids that have so much going on. The stress on everyone in the current climate is ridiculous. I hope to help with some ideas I have used which have been helpful and hope to sell some products that might help young and old. We all travel the same road just have different destinations!
Subscribe now and see if you are saying ME TOO!!. I hope to give you a giggle over a coffee, give a platform for serious topics and give you some comfort on a down day! .