When you get to a certain age your brain gets frazzled. I like to think that’s because I know so much but really its hormones and a little bit of crazy mixed together. So, you decide that’s it I am going to get organized, I am going to be one of those people that seems like they’ve got their shit together. First things first. Make a list. To do this you need to find the perfect notepad not too big to carry and not too small to lose. First entry is the grocery shopping list, this is part of the I’m going to be smarter about what I buy, I’m going to save money and don’t forget be healthier.
I go through the presses and decide what I need (This is great! Why did I not do this before). Job done and its off to the shop. You have got the trolley, sanitized it, bags on hook and ready to go. Oh, wait the list! Out comes the handbag and the search begins. Guess what the notebook is still on the kitchen table and now you are going around the store looking like a crazy person, talking to yourself, and writing in the air with your finger trying to remember what you wrote on your list. Lesson learnt don’t use a notebook.
Ok then let’s try something different you now write a list and place it on the fridge door. You can ad to this list during the week, so this is really working for you. Job done and again its off to the shop but guess what the list is still on the fridge! So how do you remember to remember the list?
I used to think this memory problem was synonymous with ladies of a certain age, but I have to say my husband has come up with his own ways of copping without ever suggesting there was a problem. Place work items on the ground at the front door so you can’t leave the house without falling over them. Text yourself reminders and don’t open text until the morning. Leave tablets beside kettle so when you get your coffee in the morning they are there. I have to say some of these ideas are genius!
The difference between us, is I would fall over the items at the door, get distracted and run back to get something and completely forget about what was on the floor. I have driven to my sister in laws house with a birthday present for her, opened the boot to get the present and it dawned on me, I left it on the telephone stand.
Solution- Surround yourself with people who know and understand the crazy, people who understand getting a response back on messenger is a miracle and people who know not to ask you to remember anything!
My Hubby is a list person and put it on the floor in front of the door. Many a time when I leave the list at home or I go somewhere and the item I need is on the dining room table - nice and safe!!!
At the grocery store, I always forget the reusable bags in the car - nice and safe and am charged for new paper bags. You are not alone and have hit on a subject that I am familiar with
Terry W