We all do it, make a sweeping statement and that determines the state of mind we
remain in for the day/week. The truth is in that Day or that Week an episode or incident was SHIT . Notice the singular text! The whole day or week was not SHIT just individual happenings but we let it dictate the rest of the day or week.
In that frame of mind we allow everything take on a negative undertone! Just stop and take a minute and think about that! That is where a reflection diary is a powerful thing. If you write down 5 positive things a day and look back on the diary at the end of every week it really does highlight the fact that the week was not all that bad! You may say if I'm that down how can you find 5 positives a day? It can be the sun rise was beautiful, my pet did something funny, someone smiled at you, a phone call from a friend, a memory you smiled about. You will find 5 positives if you look for them!
Training your brain to be able to say "Wait a minute, why am I feeling like this" is an important tool in the fight to keep yourself sane!!